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Recent Publications
- Domenic DeSocio. 2024. Mapping Queer Berlin: The potential of virtual reality pedagogy for the language classroom
- Franziska Lys. 2024. Creating Stories: Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools as Writing Tutors.
- Franziska Lys. 2023. Language Learning Through Three Iconic Cities: A Shared Approach to Curriculum Development in Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish. (co-authored with Ragy Mikhaeel, Oya Topçuoğlu, Hanna Tzuker-Seltzer).
- Christine Helmer and Amy Carr Ordinary Faith in Polarized Times - Justification and the Pursuit of Justice
- Sam Weber Preexisting Conditions: Recounting the Plague
- Rob Ryder The Acoustical Unconscious: From Walter Benjamin to Alexander Kluge
- Isabel von Holt Figurationen des Bösen im barocken Trauerspiel
- Christine Helmer How Luther Became the Reformer Chinese translation.
- Peter Fenves and Julia Ng (Goldsmiths, NU PhD), a critical edition of Walter Benjamin's essay Toward the Critique of Violence : A Critical Edition
- Franziska Lys (Co-edited with Michael Dreyer; Index provided by Ted Laport), VIRTUAL WALLS: Political Unification and Cultural Difference in Contemporary Germany.
- Anthony Adler (Yonsei University, NU PhD) Politics and Truth in Hölderlin, foreword by Peter Fenves
- Jörg Kreienbrock Sich im Weltall orientieren Philosophieren im Kosmos 1950-1970
- Martina Kerlova “Erich Heller’s Disinherited Mind”
- Erica Weitzman At the Limit of the Obscene : German Realism and the Disgrace of Matter
- Sam Weber - book review Adorno, Politics, and the Aesthetic Animal. (Basnett, Caleb J., 2021)
- Domenic DeSocio Friends with Benefits: Friendship and Queer Temporality in Klaus Mann’s Der fromme Tanz (1926) and Siegfried Kracauer’s Georg (1934)
- Jörg Kreienbrock Das Medium der Prosa: Studien zur Theorie der Lyrik (August Akademie)
- Erica Weitzman A(uto)nomie in Amerika in Im Fuhrpark der Literatur Kulturelle Imaginationen des Autos (Wallstein Verlag 2022)
- Peter Fenves Detour and Dao: Benjamin, with Jullien, contra the Ontology of the Event
- Isabel von Holt Von Ibrahim zu Ibrahim: Daniel Casper von Lohensteins „Türkische Trauerspiele"
- Isabaeal von Holt Entremeios: Die bewegliche Landschaft des Pantanals bei João Guimarães Rosa