Undergraduate Advisory Board
Morgan Cook morgancook2027@u.northwestern.edu I’m majoring in Biology and German and I’m learning German so that I can better communicate with family who live in Germany.
- Julia Davis juliadavis2026@u.northwestern.edu(social media). I am majoring in sociology and environmental policy, learning German to pursue graduate studies in Germany, drawn to the country's environmental and urban planning programs, sustainability efforts, and vibrant culture.
- Mia Perkins MiaPerkins2026@u.northwestern.edu (co-chair). Kia ora, my name is Mia, and I am the 2025 GUAB Co-Chair. As a Half-German from New Zealand, I am excited to learn the ways we can share our cultures across borders!
- Lia Douglas JuliaDouglas2026@u.northwestern.edu Major: Sociology. I started learning German to be able to connect with my grandfather, whose adoptive parents made a point to celebrate their German heritage even while in the United States.
- Carson Schmoldt CarsonSchmoldt2027@u.northwestern.edu Major and Why German: I am a Political Science and International Studies double-major. I study German to speak with family/friends and because the German Department is one of the best departments at Northwestern!
- Sidney Robinson SidneyRobinson2026@u.northwestern.edu (co-chair). Major: Comp Sci. I’m learning German because it offers valuable skills for better job opportunities. I wish to speak it fluently one day.
- Patrick Hooley patrickhooley2026@u.northwestern.edu Major: Economics. I’m learning German because I love German-speaking culture and countries. I would love to live more permanently in Austria or Germany one day!
- Monika Glueck monikaglueck2027@u.northwestern.edu Major: Political Science/German Minor. I study German because I grew up speaking it with my grandparents, and I want to stay connected to the German community at Northwestern!
- Kasia Kassner kasiakassner2026@u.northwestern.edu Major: Learning and Organizational Change. I am learning German because my grandpa was from Vienna, and I recently studied abroad in Vienna. I also recently got my Austrian citizenship!
- Oliver Chen OliverChen2024@u.northwestern.edu
Faculty Advisor to the GUAB: Ingrid Zeller