Jörg Kreienbrock

- j-kreienbrock@northwestern.edu
- 847-491-8294
- Kresge Hall, Room 3-323
Jörg Kreienbrock received his Ph.D. in 2005 from the Department of German at New York University with a dissertation thesis examining representations of the small and minute in the prose works of Robert Walser. From 2005 to 2006 he held a position as Visiting Assistant Professor of German Studies at Emory University.
His research and teaching interests include German literature from the 18th to the 21st century with an emphasis on literary theory, poetry and poetics, and the history of science. Professor Kreienbrock is the author of four books: Kleiner. Feiner. Leichter: Nuancierungen zum Werk Robert Walsers, Berlin, Zurich: Diaphanes 2010; Malicious Objects, Anger Management, and the Question of Modern Literature, New York: Fordham University Press 2013; Das Medium der Prosa: Studien zur Theorie der Lyrik, Berlin: August Verlag 2020; and Sich im Weltall orientieren: Philosophieren im Kosmos 1950 – 1970, Wien, Berlin: Turia + Kant 2020. Together with Stefan Höppner he also co-edited ‘Die amerikanischen Götter’: Transatlantische Prozesse in der deutschsprachigen Popkultur, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter 2015.
He spent the 2015/16 academic year as an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-Fellow at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Bochum. He also recently received fellowships from the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University (UK), the International Research Center for Cultural Studies in Vienna, the University of Rome La Sapienza, and the Ernst Auerbach Institute of Advanced Study at the University of Cologne. He will spend the 2023 summer semester as a Mercator Fellow at the Graduiertenkolleg “Das Dokumentarische” at the University of Bochum.
Recent publications include:
“Precarious Property: Adam Müller’s Theory of Poetic Possession,” in: Sophie Duvorney, Karsten Olson, Ulrich Plass (eds.), Representing Social Precarity: Work, Poverty, and Dispossession in German Literature and Culture, London: Bloomsbury 2023; “The Technique of Exposition: Eccentric Beginnings in Heimito von Doderer’s Die Strudlhofstiege,” in: Parallax, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 2023); “Critique as Counterproduction: Repair Work in Alexander Kluge,” in: The Germanic Review, Vol. 98, No. 2 (Summer 2023); “-broich: Anmerkungen zu einer Landschaft Oswald Eggers,” in: Martin Endres, Ralf Simon (eds.), Wort für Wort: Lektüren zum Werk von Oswald Egger, Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2021; “Passage on a Ship of Fools: Heine, Marx, and Ruge on the Tragedy and Farce of the German Revolution,” in: Heine-Jahrbuch, Vol. 58 (2020); “Flickermaschinen: Das Stroboskop als Medium der Revolution,” in: Peter Brandes, Armin Schäfer (eds.), 1968: Schreibweisen der Kritik in Literatur und Wissenschaft, Munich: Fink 2020; “Der Essay als Hassrede,” in: Jürgen Brokoff, Robert Walter-Jochum (eds.), Hass/Literatur: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu einer Theorie- und Diskursgeschichte, Bielefeld: Transcript 2019; “A New Levante: Franz Rosenzweig’s Geopolitical Imagination in his War Writings of 1917,” in Anthony Barker et al. (eds.), Micronarratives and Peripheral Theatres of the Great War, New York, NY: Springer 2018.